IntoFocus: Anonymizing Images for Crowdsourcing

Team Members: Abdullah Alshaibani, Li-Hsin Tseng, Sylvia Carrell

Introduction and Related Work

With the rising use of human computation systems, there is a real need for solving tasks, especially with images, while preserving private and sensitive information in those tasks. Finding sensitive information in images is a problem that cannot simply be solved by AI (figure 1). Even the automatic face and license plate blurring algorithm used by Google in their Street View is not 100% accurate [6]. However, such problems can be solved even when the image is heavily redacted with the use of human computation and Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT).


Image of two girls one whispering to the other. Image 3

Figure 1: Current technology on face detection is not mature enough to find all the faces within one image (e.g. faces in profile or partially blocked faces).

The blue box is generated by a python face detection API.


The Pull the Plug paper by Gurari et al. focuses on images in the foreground, which is not always the case with personal information (faces, account numbers, etc.). Our focus is highlighting any and all personal information in an image before submitting it to AMT to get the task solved, whether the information is in the foreground or background.

Relevant to our work is the VizWiz paper by Bigham et al. , which performs the task of helping blind and the visually impaired by taking a picture and describing the task using a voice recording and posting a Human Intelligence Task (HIT) to AMT. The workers would then answer the question about the image. One concern that surfaces from this process is that the visually impaired person might take a picture that contains sensitive information, which they would not want a stranger to see, without even knowing. IntoFocus introduces a solution: an earlier-stage task process in order to cover the sensitive information, before that task is submitted to workers.

Sorokin et al. proposes a system that uses crowdsourcing to allow robots to grasp unfamiliar objects. Their system allows the robot to take images of an object and asks workers to draw a contour on the object so the robot would find the object’s edges. The issue with this approach is the possibility of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) being visible in the image that might expose people that were not aware that the robot was taking images. Similar to VizWiz, their system would share PII without the users knowing about it.

Lasecki et al. showed that it is not safe to trust some workers with any private/personal information, which would cause issues for the previous projects. We aim to solve this gap with our presented research.

Boult presented cryptographically invertible obscurations among videos so that while preserving the privacy aspect in a video, the general surveillance would not be compromised. In contrast, IntoFocus has crowd workers select the regions that they believe contain PII. The images with the regions they select can be further redacted into images that can be served as the same input for the surveillance usage.

Closely related to IntoFocus is Lasecki et al.’s research where they segment a single image into smaller segments and ask the workers to highlight the segments that contain sensitive information. The issue with their method is the loss of information when the image is segmented. Because the workers do not see the full photo, they might not be able to say that a specific region contains private information because it is cut in half or is otherwise taken out of context.

The primary contributions of this paper are: (1) The introduction of IntoFocus, a framework for preserving privacy through a systematic process that starts with a heavily filtered image, and tasks the workers to redact sensitive regions before they are exposed to the underlying content, and (2) an evaluation of the process and its feasibility.

Research questions

      Can we reliably redact personal information for the ultimate purpose of analyzing the images without sharing private information?

      Is a 3 stage system enough to preserve the privacy of the people in the image?

  Is it feasible to trust a single worker to the task of finding all the locations of sensitive information in a given stage?

      What is the smallest face that can be detected by the crowd in this framework?

Design and Process

Judging by the requirements to show that such an algorithm works, we need to build a working framework that accepts an image and returns a redacted image. The following is the process of operation of the framework:

1.     Display the image with the highest level of median filter (applied using the Python Imaging Library) to a worker and ask them to highlight (using bounding boxes) the locations of sensitive information. This will be presented to n workers and all the highlighted spaces will be obfuscated before the image is sent to the next step.

2.     The next steps are repeated i times, depending on the experiment cycle:

a.     The next image will have a lower blur value, and all the regions that were previously highlighted will be obfuscated. The workers will be asked to highlight the areas that contain sensitive information.

To accomplish the above framework, we first need to find the optimal filter levels for each stage. Since we do not know the amount of information (private or not) in the images being sent by the requesters, the first stage needs to have a high radius filter value to the point that not a lot of information can be seen in the image. If there is a face in the entire image or there is a face covering half of the page with people in the background that are further away (i.e. a selfie), we still need to be able to redact that information without allowing the workers to extract the information, such as the following images. To obtain such images, we used a maximum radius of 41 pixels and a minimum radius of 13 pixels. To achieve that we need to build a redaction platform that allows us to apply different filter levels to specific spaces in an image.


Image of a bicycle race team in red full visible

Original image

Image of a bicycle race team with stage 1 blur, highest blur

Stage 1 (41 pixel radius)

Image of a bicycle race team with stage 2 blur, second highest blur

Stage 2 (27 pixel radius)

Image of a bicycle race team with stage 3 blur, third highest blur

Stage 3 (21 pixel radius)

Image of a bicycle race team with stage 4 blur, fourth highest blur

Stage 4 (17 pixel radius)

Image of a bicycle race team with stage 5 blur, lowest blur

Stage 5 (13 pixel radius)

Figure 2: The level of blur goes down when the stage number goes up.


Image of our task page, with instructions on the top, a blurred image underneath, two buttons next to each other, one to add a box and another to remove a box. A question asking whether the worker found a face, a feedback box and finally, a submit button

Figure 3 : Our task interface.

Our task interface is shown in figure 3. In it, the workers are shown a blurred image and are instructed to add box(es) to the regions that they believe might contain personal information. After that, they are asked to answer a question on whether they have found a face within the image.

After three workers have completed adding box(es) onto the same image in the same stage, the image is then redacted with the box(es) and sent to the next stage for evaluation.


A total of 50 unique participants were recruited through Amazon Mechanical Turk. These workers saw 75 total HITs. Each HIT paid the worker $0.15. Workers were allowed a maximum of 5 minutes to complete each task. Workers were restricted to working on images only within the same stage. Six workers submitted their answers within 10 seconds of accepting the HIT. Three workers took longer than 150 seconds to submit. The average time spent on each HIT was around 51.2 seconds (for an average hourly rate of $19.59). The median time spent working on the HIT was 42 seconds.


The framework was tested using one experiment. This experiment contained all 5 stages shown above and had 3 workers for each stage. Their results were aggregated (i.e. the union of the three submissions) into a single image for the second stage and so on.

Though we had an error in our database insertion, every worker's submission was correctly captured by AMT and thus is used in our evaluation. Also, we had one worker email us about his confusion over the wording of our task. Although we had some workers submit “questionable” data, we still included every single submission in our results evaluation (we did not reject any submissions).

The framework was tested with the help of the CrowdLib API on AMT. All the task responses and redactions are compared to the ground truth to ensure the crowd-redacted image did not disclose personal information. The ground truth was obtained by the researchers.


Stage number

The images that is shown to the workers

The images with the drawn worker boxes


Image 1 with the highest level of blur, as displayed to the workers.

Image 1 with the highest level of blur, with the boxes marked by the workers.


Image 1 with the second highest level of blur, as displayed to the workers.

Image 1 with the second highest level of blur, with the boxes marked by the workers.


Image 1 with the third highest level of blur, as displayed to the workers.

Image 1 with the third highest level of blur, with the boxes marked by the workers.


Image 1 with the fourth highest level of blur, as displayed to the workers.

Image 1 with the fourth highest level of blur, with the boxes marked by the workers.


Image 1 with the lowest level of blur, as displayed to the workers.

Image 1 with the lowest level of blur, with the boxes marked by the workers.

Final image

The final result of image 1, with the regions selected by the workers blurred out and the rest clear.

The final result of image 1 with the ground truth boxes


Figure 4: This table shows the images being shown to the workers at different stages and the boxes they found.


As you can see in figure 4 above, the image that is shown to the workers in each stage becomes incrementally less blurry. As the image becomes less blurry, more faces in total are being selected.


Original image

Original image with ground truth

The initial image 1.

The initial image 1 with the group truth boxes marked by the researcher


Figure 5: This table shows the original image and the ground truth.


The ground truth results page with different tabs to switch between HITs, Boxes, Images, CrowdLib Controls, and Ground Truth. Under the tabs on the left are a set of controls that display ground truth on the image, enable/disable all worker boxes, enable/disable the boxes by worker 1, enable/disable the boxes by worker 2, enable/disable the boxes by worker 3, a button to show the initial image, buttons to switch between the stages of the experiment and the final image from the experiment. On the right side we show a single image with the requested options, and different tabs for each image.

Figure 6: The results interface with the final redacted image 3


The result interface is shown in figure 6, where the person creating the HITs can see all the different stages for each of the images. It can also display the boxes that each of the workers added, as well as the ground truth. We can also see the content of the HITs results and post HITs on this interface. We also show all the information relating to all the images being posted, such as the number of worker attempts and the raw box data.


Original image

Final image

The initial image 4.

The final result of image 4.

Figure 7: This table shows the initial and final stage of image 4.

In figure 7, you can see from the original image that it has no faces that needed to be selected for our task. However, after going through the process of blurring and selecting possible regions for faces, the workers in the initial stages (1, 2 and 3) selected those regions because they seemed like the front of human bodies, when in truth they were their backs, something the later workers realized and avoided.



image 1

image 2

image 3

image 4

image 5

Total number of faces






Number of faces found






Number of faces not found






Percentage of faces not found (%)






Percentage of faces found (%)






Area of largest not found face

(pixel x pixel)






Area of the largest face (pixel x pixel)






Area of the image (pixel x pixel)






Largest not found face to whole image ratio (%)






Largest face to whole image ratio (%)






Table 1. The results of our full experiment.


From Table 1 it shows that the experiment did not perform well when the size of the faces in the image were lower than 0.16% of the image. We can attribute that to the large radius size of the median filter used in the different stages. Since the largest face that was not found had a width of 22 pixels, it can be seen that having a blur radius of 13 pixels in the last stage is too high for those faces to be found. To solve the problem, we are exploring different radius sizes, which would allow the workers to also find relatively (with respect to the dimensions of the whole image) smaller faces within the image. In image 3 ( shown in figure 6), the image with the largest faces, that the workers were able to find the faces at the start of the experiment in stage 1.


In the five images that we have tested, it can be seen from the results that the ones with higher contrast got a higher percentage of faces found. Also, if a person’s skin color is closer to the background color and the lighting conditions were not good, then the person would blend into the background and become harder to locate.

Future Work

The complete framework will be tested with four different experiments. The first experiment will contain all 5 stages shown above and have 3 workers for each stage and their results will be aggregated (i.e. the union of the three submissions) into a single image for the second stage and so on. The second experiment will use the same five stages as above but will only use the data from the first worker to submit the results for each of the stages. So this experiment will test if one worker would be able to perform equally to the three workers. The third experiment will use the same data from the first experiment for the first stage, but instead of being sent to stage two it will be sent to stage 3 directly, and after that is done the results will go to the final (5th) stage, thus ending the experiment with a total of three stages instead of the five from experiment one. The reasoning behind this experiment is to find out whether this problem can be solved with fewer steps while yielding the same results. The final experiment will be the same as experiment 3 but will only use the information delivered by the first workers to submit (similar to experiment 2).

With further revisions or clarifications to the task interface (e.g. tell the worker that if they are unsure whether or not there is a face in the region, to go ahead and cover it with a box, or put a slider labeled “How confident are you that this is a face” next to each box), we expect to greatly increase the accuracy of the crowd to detect faces or other PII.

There will also be an addition of a face detection algorithm to reduce the workload on the workers, as well as make the workers focus on the faces that the face detection algorithm was not able to find. The system will also include a method that would calculate the optimal radii for all the stages.

Gross et al., introduces an algorithm that maintains both privacy and utility of images by classifying an image after blurring out the areas of sensitive information. This is valuable to the next step of our system: to show possible adaptors that the system works within their required specifications. Zerr et al., estimated the degree of privacy of images by the privacy assignments obtained through a social annotation game. This can be integrated into our system to determine the radius assigned to each image according to the degree of security.

If we present this fully evaluated algorithm as an add-on to VizWiz or other real-time crowd-powered interfaces, we would need to greatly reduce the latency from the time the image is initially posted to AMT to the time it is fully processed and redacted, likely using TurKit to facilitate the automation.


In conclusion, our platform was able to redact all the faces that covered more than 0.16% of the image. At the current stage we are not considering our results to be acceptable. Due to the various ratios of the faces in different images, our radius selection was increased in order for us to hide the faces in image 3 (figure 6), which caused the smaller faces in other images to be lost. This problem will be addressed in future work.

The current results show that this framework is a viable product to solve the issue caused by the referenced papers.


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